1. Follow the payment rules
This is one of the most important things you can do, and start doing right now. Sometimes we are sloppy about getting our payments sorted out. But remember that carelessness can cost you. If you mail payments, make sure you fill out the paperwork correctly, make sure your checks are legible, and make sure there is enough postage on the envelope. You will be kicking yourself later if you don’t. And be sure there is enough in the account your transferring from to cover the payment.
2. Make minimum payments immediately
3. Change your due date
4. Direct Debit Payment
Setting up your accounts so that your bills are paid automatically is a great way to avoid late fees – no human error! It’s a big plus for you, so that you won’t forget about the payment and kick yourselves the day after it is due.
5. Pay by Telephone
This is a great one for last minute payments, if you know you’re not going to get it done any other way – but be careful. Some banks charge for this service, anywhere from $7 to $20. Still, if it’s lower than the late fee it’s definitely a good option to get your payment made fast.
6. Get your fee waived
If you mailed your payment on time, but you still get hit with a fee? Make sure you challenge it. Do you usually pay on time, but were late just this once? Ask your credit card company to waive the fees. They are sometimes lenient with customers that have a consistent payment record.
7. Change your credit card company
You’ll be shocked when you realise how much you could save by changing to a smaller credit card issuer; the local community bank for example, or a credit union. You’ll also be happy to note that they are more forgiving when you are late with payments.