People With Bad Credit CAN Get Credit Cards Too

Do you have less than stellar credit? If so, you probably know just how difficult it is to get a credit card. If you've looked, no doubt you have found plenty of companies out there, like you can see on the right of blog, that will offer to help you rebuild your credit rating by issuing a credit card. For some people, it is worth it to get one of these cards - even with interest rates around 20%. Just be very careful, because there are extremely high fees involved. Here is what you should know.

Most credit card companies who issue cards to people with bad credit leverage their risk by charging outlandish fees. If you are truly trying to repair your credit, these may be a good option for you. If you are looking for a credit card that you can use immediately, take a closer look. Most of these credit card companies start you off with a low credit limit of around $250. That could be enough to get you out of a bind if you have an unexpected expense. However, these credit card companies charge some pretty hefty fees just to issue you a card.

The first fee that most credit card companies charge is an application, processing or program fee. This can be anywhere from $100 to $150 or more. Most charge a monthly fee of around $10. Then there is the annual fee of around $50. All of this is charged up front, upon approval, and before you even make a purchase. For our calculations, we'll use the best-case scenario. With a $250 initial credit limit, subtract $100 for the program fee, $10 for the monthly fee, and $50 for the annual fee. That's $160 in charges before you make a purchase on your credit card. In our best-case scenario, that leaves you with an available balance of $90 on your new credit card. If the program fee is $150, that only leaves an available balance of $40.

There are other fees you can expect to see each month. Most of these credit card companies require that you have your payments debited directly from your checking account each month. This is not necessarily a bad thing. It will help you pay on time and avoid late payment fees. However, there is a charge for this “service”. It's usually around $10 a month. That's in addition to your monthly fee. If you make a late payment, or if there are insufficient funds in your checking account, you will have to pay a fee of around $35. In addition to the late payment fee, your interest rate will be increased by an average of 5%, and if this causes you to go over your credit limit, another $35 will usually be tacked on.

The whole idea of these credit cards is to rebuild your credit, right? Most of these credit card companies will increase your credit limit when you pay on time. In the fine print though, you'll find that this will cost you around $25 every time you have an increase. You may or may not be able to control whether or not the credit card company raises your limit. Most will increase your limit every six months. This brings the annual cost for your credit card to around $440 for your first year, and that's if you don't have any penalties; and before interest is charged.
If you are trying to get some quick money, and you have bad credit, opening a credit card account for people with bad credit is probably not a great idea. If you are truly trying to rebuild your credit, just understand that it will cost you to do so. You will have to endure high fees that eat up your available credit. You will have high interest rates. And you will have high penalty and monthly fees to contend with. With time and persistence, you will be able to rebuild your credit and get a credit card that does not charge you so much.


Anonymous said...

I think the best bad credit, credit card we've ever come across was Right Here

shannon said...

it can be difficult for people with bad credit to obtain credit cards, and it can be stressful not to have one seeing as pretty much every business around now has the capabilities to process credit cards. getting a credit card that you keep in good standing can also get you on your way to cleaning up your credit report and having good credit again.

Kelly said...

If you’re looking for a bad credit credit card, you need to be aware of what’s out there and how you can repair your credit rating. If you’ve had financial troubles in the past, you should try to consider all your options. It’s not impossible to get a credit card when you have a bad credit history, but it will cost you. In offering such solutions for people with bad credit like credit cards, bad credit mortgage etc, lenders generally target people who have a history of not meeting their repayments, so they need to insure themselves against this happening. This means that they charge higher standard interest rates than most lenders.

Samrat said...

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Devid said...

Here is lots of useful information about Bank Accounts For Bad Credit also you can directly apply for prepaid mastercard, credit cards and debit cards.