The most common way for criminals to get credit card information is through phishing, which involves a fake email that appears to be sent from your credit card company. Normally, this fake email states that there was an error with your account, or that it was accessed by unauthorized personnel and needs your attention.
Spotting fake emails isnt hard to do - as long as you know what to look for. The most obvious hint for most, is the fact that they dont even have a credit card from the company that has sent the email. For others, the link is what gives the fake email away. Anytime you get an email from a credit card that you believe to be fake, you should always hover your mouse over the link, then right click the link with the mouse and select view source. If the link is indeed fake, the website address that comes up will be something other than that of a credit card company.
If you receive an email such as this, you should always delete it. Even if you just click on the fake website to investigate, you may do more harm than good. Even though you may not enter any information at all, your computer may get infected with viruses or spyware simply because you clicked on the link. To avoid this altogether, you should never click on a link that you believe to be a fake credit card company website.
If you do your part and protect your credit card information, you wont have anything at all to worry about. Your personal information is very important, as you never want it to fall in the wrong hands. As long as you protect it, you wont have anything to worry about. There are always criminals out there, which is why you should always be on guard. Criminals want your personal information and your credit card numbers - its up to you to ensure that they dont get it. A criminal will do anything to get what they want, which is why protecting yourself is so very important these days.
1 comment:
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