Are you like millions of other people who are being suffocated by immense credit card debts? If you have any common sense you will realize that it is time to stop creating more problems for yourself and that it is time to change your financial situation for good.
Let’s face it - when you are burdened with huge credit card debts it becomes an all out fight between you and the credit card companies to get what you want. It’s time for you to find the right information and figure out exactly how you can settle up with all of your credit card debts. First off, it’s important that you do not close any accounts right away. You will be losing a lot of leverage that you will eventually need. What you should do instead is pay off the card that has the highest interest rate first. Read on and use this valuable advice to help you gradually reduce your credit card debt.
First, it’s time to figure out what you owe. You can do this by calling the banks you have credit cards with and asking them what the balance outstanding is today. Make sure you write everything down and keep track of what you owe to each company on a sheet of paper. Also, make a note of what interest rate each company is charging you. Keep track of all this information in a file folder for future reference.
Now that you have a good idea of what you owe, it’s time to figure out your monthly payments. If you are simply making the minimum monthly payment chances are you will never be out of debt. You should never pay less than the previous months’ interest charge. Never forget that interest is always accumulating, therefore you should never skip a payment. This can land you in a lot of trouble with fees. Gather up all of your statements for the last year, sit down and add them all up to come to a reasonable conclusion in regards to what you are paying monthly on average. It will definitely take a lot of time and effort to figure out what monthly payments you will need to make in order to reduce your credit card debt. However, if you can find a reasonable amount that you can pay each month to gradually chip away at your credit card debt you will be well on your way.
Next, you should contact a credit counseling service. There are a variety of credit counseling companies that can help you through your battle with the credit card companies. It can be tricky to get everything working properly on your own. Credit counseling can help you in many ways because it takes a lot of guesswork out of the situation. They lay everything out for you in plain English and help you get on the right track to reducing your debt. They also have a lot of connections within the industry, which can give you some extra leverage. Credit counseling is usually very inexpensive if not free in some instances. Therefore, it would be a waste not to take advantage of this service because it can help you out.
In short, if you have found yourself, like so many others, with a high amount of credit card debt and are unable to pay it off before the next millennium then hopefully you have found the information you needed. It is important, however, that you continue researching and discovering your rights as a customer of the credit card companies. You can even get started today by calling up the credit card companies and getting some information about your account. Make sure that you ask them all the questions you have and get the answers you are after. Good luck.
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